Safer Shells®
A new and innovative Fasit designed solution, which maximises visual merchandising attractiveness and shelf space efficiency, whilst retaining the ability for customers to get up close to the merchandise.
Unlike some other products the safer shell can be easily and cost effectively customised to exactly fit a product's dimensions. Safer Shells® are particularly suited to health and beauty products where visual merchandising is so important.
Key product characteristics
- Suitable for cosmetics, health and beauty, fragrance, electrical items and gift sets
- Optimised shelf space with the ability to stack
- High quality material for maximum transparency
- 360 degree display
- Stackable both on shelf and whilst being stored
- Usable with standard range of tags
- Made from recyclable material
- Typically reusable although there is the potential for a bespoke disposal safer shell
- Available in all sizes and bespoke additional dimensions
- Can be applied at source
- Protects packaging
- Prevents tampering
Please contact us with your shrink issues and we will provide you with a fast, cost effective solution.